The Post-Obsolete Book

A reflection on the obsolescence of obsolescence

Anne Waldman in purple and green,
sitting in front of the sign
for Naropa University
2012 - Naropa Summer Writing Program

4-week Program Each Week, Different Class

Drawing of a root system
with multiple plant stalks
2012 Theme: Rhizomes

Week Theme… Obsolescence

Michelle Ellsworth on stage
holding a person-sized spoon
in front of a projection
of a website
Teacher: Michelle Ellsworth
Miriam sitting at an overhead projector silhouetted against a screen with overhead projected on top of video.
Performable Website

The Obsolete Book in a Post-Obsolete World, as Represented by a Post-Obsolete Book About Dance


An archival rhizome ecology in ten parts, and a reflection on the obsolescence of obsolescence – documented on the cloud, and open-sourced as a defense against post-post-obsolescence.


step 1 Write a Script

step 2 Buy an Overhead

on Craigslist

step 3 The Performance

(popular with academics!)

step 4 The Website

Electronic Literature
Jason Nelson